Friday, June 10, 2011

Vallejo to Davis, California

Woke up in a beautiful cozy home, yesterday morning. Had eggs fresh from the back yard, jam and fresh bread. Yum. Took a jaunt around SF to see the Golden Gate Bridge and shop at the massive REI camping store. Caught the ferry to Vallejo without a minute to spare. Met up with four fully-loaded bike dudes headed to Reno. Super cool guys. Ate some fish and chips with them, climbed some grizzly ones, (We're quite aware that they get worse) then went on to Davis.

I overheard a conversation between them on the ferry and think, after the first day of riding that it is certainly a truism. "You don't break in a Brooks saddle. It breaks you in". Ouchie. I'm feeling it. The rest of me is okay though. Davis is a gorgeous little biking/university town. Came through Napa vineyards and lime fields to get here. A pretty little ride.

Stayed with Paul, a legally insane mega-hyper cyclist. Tried to figure out the camping logistics for the next week and crashed hard on the floor. Paul has instructed us to send about half of our gear home, much to my chagrin. With ominous and soul-crushing sentences like "You will absolutely not make it to Carson pass like that. No way. I mean... you will just not make it."

Today we go to the post office to send home about 25 pounds or more of gear. I'm hoping it helps. Paul is about to help me fix my disc breaks. Unfortunately, he is not so keen on repairing morale.


  1. I have no doubt you guys will make it, with the most off the way stories to share along the way. Life is an adventure...

  2. Great riding with you guys on the first leg. Looks like you're doing pretty well so far!

    Here's a shot of Lauren looking fresh!
